Belhaven Bay on film

Belhaven Bay and the John Muir Country Park, East Lothian, on 120 film

Some photos from a recent walk at Belhaven Bay, East Lothian. These are on expired Kodak Portra 160. Several photos didn't work out because the film had started to degrade. I've got 5 new rolls of colour and 5 new rolls of black and white for an upcoming trip, and I'm hoping they will turn out better. I love the colour palette in this landscape; the light on that day suited it well.

These are not as sharp as my digital photos but have their own character. Without a tripod, I didn't want to go below 1/500th shutter speed if I could help it, which meant with the ISO 160 film I was using a wide aperture.

The plant among the driftwood is Sea Rocket, according to a plant ID app I use.

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