December news

Recent updates on my photography and freelance work

A few recent bits of news to share before we all sign off for Christmas:

  • My 2018 book The Limes is now stocked at the excellent Agitate shop in Haymarket, Edinburgh. The shop contains a great selection of photo books, zines and prints by local and international artists. Well worth a visit if you are in the area. I hope to stock The Limes online again soon.
  • I've been working down in London in November and December on a commission for the British Museum, photographing historic collections from Hawai'i. It's been a fun project to work on and I am very grateful to the BM for the commission.
  • A small exhibition catalogue has been produced for Artists at Work 2 at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, which features an image from my series A Creative Act. These will be available to pick up for free from the information desk at the Portrait Gallery.
  • Recently I wrote a short piece for the National Galleries of Scotland's blog on Richard Long's artwork A Line Made by Walking (1967). This work is currently on display at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, where I work part-time as a gallery attendant. You can read the blog online via this link.
It's nice to end the year with some positive news, during what is quite a difficult time for artists, photographers, and just about everyone else. Thanks to all who have supported me and my work this year. Wishing all a happy and warm festive season.

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