Exhibition: Artists at Work 2

A new exhibition at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery features two of my works

Last night a new exhibition opened at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery which I am very happy to be taking part in. Artists at Work 2 features a diverse and eclectic range of artworks made by artists who work at the National Galleries of Scotland. The exhibition features around 120 artists and includes painting, sculpture, photography, illustration, printmaking, and more.

2 prints from my series A Creative Act are featured in the show. It's a huge privilege to be able to show these works in such an amazing gallery and space alongside the works of so many talented artists. I've been working as a Gallery Attendant at the National Galleries of Scotland for over a year. One of the best things about the job is being able to work with so many other artists and spending your working hours surrounded by famous and acclaimed works of art. It's brilliant that this show is happening and I am very grateful to the staff who organised it.

Artists at Work 2 will be open at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, until Sunday 12 Feb 2023. Open daily, 10am-5pm. Admission is free.

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